
Memorial Day DUI arrests down around Arizona

Posted On May 27, 2015 I Drunk Driving Charges

“I think people are getting the message,” a spokesperson with the Governor’s Office of Highway Safety said recently. The message: if you are arrested for DUI in Arizona, you face harsh penalties.

Yes, people are undoubtedly getting that message. And yet mistakes still happen and lapses in judgment still occur.

Forever changed by negligence

Posted On May 21, 2015 I Medical Malpractice

Five years ago, a young, pregnant woman went to visit her obstetrician. Six months into her pregnancy, she had signs of early-onset preeclampsia — a condition that puts the baby at great risk. The woman’s blood pressure was high and there was protein in her urine; red flags doctors should heed especially in pregnant women.

In a brief life, he excelled

Posted On May 18, 2015 I Wrongful Death

A Phoenix teenager was about to soar to the rank of Eagle Scout in his beloved Boy Scouts. The Sunnyslope High School sophomore had other passions in life, too, such as playing the clarinet, making his friends laugh and working hard to attain good grades.

Arizona Cinco de Mayo DUI arrests: Up or down in 2015?

Posted On May 11, 2015 I Drunk Driving Charges

Cinco de Mayo was celebrated a few days ago here in Phoenix, across the nation and south of the border. It’s a holiday commemorating El Día de la Batalla de Puebla (The Day of the Battle of Puebla). As some readers undoubtedly know, that’s the 1862 battle in which the Mexican army routed French forces.

Charges and more charges

Posted On May 7, 2015 I Felonies

Have you ever awakened from a bad dream and for just a moment believed that the dream was real? Perhaps that’s what happened in Phoenix recently, when police responded to a call of a man sleeping in his car parked near Thomas Road and Avondale Boulevard.

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