
Understanding the Different Types of Robbery

Posted On June 30, 2018 I Criminal Defense

Sentencing Differences for First-Time and Repeat Robbery Offenders in Arizona

Penalties for robbery depend on prior convictions and the severity of the crime:

  • A first-time robbery conviction (Class 4 felony) may result in 1 to 3.75 years in prison. 
  • Aggravated robbery (Class 3 felony) carries a sentence of 2 to 8.75 years.

I Violated My Probation. What’s Going to Happen to Me?

Posted On June 29, 2018 I Criminal Defense

If a court convicted you of a crime and placed you on probation, it may allow you to shorten or even avoid jail. However, probation is not without stipulations. If you violated your probation in Arizona, depending on the seriousness of the new and old offense, if it was a misdemeanor or a felony, you could face more jail time or have further regulation as conditions of your probation.

Warrantless Search and Seizures in Arizona

Posted On June 28, 2018 I Criminal Defense

If you are ever under suspicion of a crime or subject to a criminal investigation in Arizona, law enforcement may conduct a search of your home and belongings to find evidence. The Constitution’s fourth amendment protects citizens from unlawful searches, and searches require a warrant to be lawful.

What Happens If I Lose My Case?

Posted On June 27, 2018 I Criminal Defense

Many clients and criminal defense attorneys push through court cases in the hopes of gaining a favorable outcome for their side. Depending on the type of case, a victory can bring both financial compensation and a sense of closure. For personal injury victims, a win in court means the liable party will cover some or all medical costs and back pay, and victims can focus on their recovery instead of worrying about bills.

What Should I Do If I Am Charged With a Dangerous Offense?

Posted On June 26, 2018 I Criminal Defense

Any criminal offense in Arizona has serious consequences; however, the use of a weapon during the offense can bring harsher sentencing. For example, the law can classify an assault charge as a misdemeanor, but it can be a felony if the perpetrator has a weapon.