
Understanding the Role of Treatment Programs in DUI Cases

DUI is a serious legal matter that puts lives at risk and has major legal penalties. One critical aspect of DUI cases in Buvkeye is the role of treatment programs, which are often mandated as part of the legal process. These programs aim to address underlying issues, promote rehabilitation, and reduce the risk of repeated situations.

What to Know About Arizona DUI Checkpoints

Posted On February 9, 2023 I Drunk Driving,Field Sobriety Tests

Driving under the influence of drugs and/or alcohol is a crime that is taken very seriously in Arizona. If you get convicted of a DUI, you can face penalties that have the power to change your life. One of the methods that law enforcement officers use to discourage drunk driving and screen for intoxicated drivers is sobriety checkpoints.

Types of Field Sobriety and BAC Tests

Posted On July 20, 2020 I Drunk Driving Charges,Field Sobriety Tests

Driving while drunk or intoxicated is against the law in all 50 states. Most states have set a legal threshold determining when a driver is too drunk to drive. This threshold is in terms of blood alcohol concentration (BAC), or the amount of alcohol in a driver’s bloodstream.

Do’s and Don’ts During a DUI Arrest

A DUI arrest is a serious matter, and it’s important to know what to do if you find yourself in such a situation. Regardless of whether you’ve been drinking before driving, your conduct during a DUI arrest can influence your sentencing and legal options following the arrest.

What to Do During a Field Sobriety Test in Glendale

Posted On February 9, 2018 I Blood Alcohol Tests,Field Sobriety Tests

Whether you are under the influence or not, a field sobriety test can be intimidating. Field sobriety tests in Glendale are notorious for making drivers look silly. They are difficult to pass, even if a driver is completely sober. Standing on one leg, performing a walk and turn, and following a pen with your eyes are the three most common field sobriety tests.

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