
My Golf Cart was Hit: I Was Thrown Out and Badly Injured

Posted On October 16, 2024 I Car Accidents

After suffering serious injuries due to being hit and thrown from a golf cart accident, you likely have many questions. Was the other party at fault for hitting the golf cart? Were there any contributing factors, such as a malfunctioning cart or negligence on the part of the operator?

What Is the Federal Legal Limit for Blood Alcohol Content While Driving?

Blood alcohol content (BAC) is a measurement of the amount of alcohol in someone’s bloodstream. It is commonly used as an indicator of drunk or impaired driving. In the United States, the federal legal limit for BAC while driving is 0.08%. 

Car Accident Claim Process

Posted On June 19, 2024 I Car Accidents

In addition to the stressful experience of a car accident in Buckeye, victims often suffer severe injuries and substantial property damage. Understanding the actions to take after an accident can protect your right to compensation when someone else is at fault.

Crosswalk Accident Cases

Crosswalk accidents can be devastating, resulting in severe injuries or even fatalities. When a pedestrian is struck by a vehicle, the consequences can be life-altering for both the victim and their loved ones. Always know your rights if you were hit in a crosswalk.

What Are Truck Weigh Stations for and Why Are They Needed?

Posted On May 20, 2024 I Car Accidents,Truck Accidents

When you’re driving down the highway and see a truck weigh station ahead, you might wonder what exactly they are for and why they are needed. Truck weigh stations play a vital role in ensuring road safety and preventing accidents caused by overweight trucks. 

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