If you get hurt in an accident, the importance of obtaining professional medical care cannot be overstated. Going to a hospital or doctor to diagnose and treat your accident-related injuries is a crucial part of your ability to recover fair financial compensation from an insurance company.
If a loved one tragically loses his or her life in a preventable accident in Arizona, your family may be entitled to financial compensation for various related losses. This can include reasonable funeral and burial expenses, your loved one’s medical bills, and your pain and suffering.
Every year, thousands of people end up in emergency rooms with serious injuries from violent dog attacks. Dog bite injuries can include lacerations, puncture wounds, broken bones and disfiguring scars. It is always better to prevent a dog bite injury than to try to recover from one after the fact.
Taking an Uber after a late night out might be safer than driving home under the influence, but that does not mean your safety is a guarantee. While rideshare offers an enticing way to ride, it can also come with risks.
Arizona is one of the most popular states for motorcycling in the country. Unfortunately, it is not always the safest place for riders; in 2020, 160 motorcyclists lost their lives and 1,921 were injured in traffic accidents in Arizona, according to the state’s Department of Transportation.