
6 Methods to Prevent Drunk Driving

Posted On May 15, 2018 I Criminal Defense,Drunk Driving

Drunk driving is a serious issue throughout the country. It causes thousands of fatalities and even more injuries every year. It is vital that states and cities work on ways to regulate and prevent people driving while under the influence of alcohol.

5 Facts About Drinking and Driving

Posted On May 14, 2018 I Criminal Defense,Drunk Driving

Drinking and driving affect countless people across the United States, both people who drive impaired in Gledale, and people who are involved in accidents related to alcohol. Police officers pull over millions of people every year for driving while under the influence of alcohol.

Is Eating While Driving Legal in Arizona?

Posted On May 13, 2018 I Arizona Laws,Car Accidents,Personal Injury

Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of car accidents in the United States. In Arizona specifically, distracted driving causes 11% of all crashes. Unlike DUI laws, Arizona is one of few states that does not have extensive regulations for distracted driving, along with Montana and South Carolina.

Who Has the Strictest DUI Laws in the Country? Arizona

Posted On May 12, 2018 I Drunk Driving Charges

As the number of DUIs increase across the nation, states are beginning to create stricter regulations for drinking and driving. However, some states have more intense laws than others. Recent studies have found that Arizona has the strictest DUI penalties and regulations in the country.

Think! Don’t Mix and Drive!

Posted On May 11, 2018 I Criminal Defense,Drunk Driving

In 2016, 20.7 million Americans 16 or older drove while under the influence of alcohol. 11.8 million Americans drove under the influence of drugs in the same year. Drug impaired driving is a serious issue in the United States for people of all ages.

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