
What is the Difference Between a DUI and a DWI? 

Posted On May 5, 2018 I Criminal Defense,Drunk Driving Charges

Many people seem to use DUI (driving under the influence) and DWI (driving while intoxicated) interchangeably when referencing a driver impaired by alcohol consumption. However, many states have different definitions and penalties for a DUI and a DWI. Under Arizona law, however, they have the same penalties, and the difference comes only from the technical definitions of each.

Getting a DUI in Arizona With a Commercial Driver’s License

Posted On May 4, 2018 I Criminal Defense,Drunk Driving

There are millions of cases in the United States of driving under the influence (DUI) every year. Getting a DUI under any circumstances is a serious offense that can have a huge impact on your life. However, commercial drivers can have even more serious punishments than other drivers.

Common Impaired Driving Cues that Police Look For

Posted On May 3, 2018 I Drunk Driving

It can be difficult for police officers to determine the difference between a drunk driver and someone who is simply a poor driver. Breathalyzers can determine intoxication more accurately, but police also have visual cues to spot drunk drivers to give themselves an idea of the driver’s intoxication level.

How Does a DUI Affect Your Auto Insurance?

Posted On May 2, 2018 I Drunk Driving

A DUI conviction can be life-changing. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, there were around 121 million incidents of driving under the influence of alcohol in the United States in 2012. DUI charges can affect many aspects of daily life.

Steps to Take to Survive an Extreme DUI Conviction

Driving under the influence (DUI), is a serious charge that can change your life. In most states, 0.08 is the blood alcohol content limit for drivers. Arizona law considers it an extreme DUI if your blood alcohol content is between 0.15 and 0.2 within two hours of driving.

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