
Can You Expunge a DUI Conviction in Arizona?

Having a criminal record with a DUI (driving under the influence) conviction can affect your career, your eligibility for housing and financial aid, and your reputation. Until recently, it was not possible to expunge a DUI conviction in Arizona. However, new laws now allow qualifying individuals to clear their records through expungement.

Appeals Process in Arizona

Posted On March 26, 2021 I Criminal Appeals

If you believe there has been a mistake during the court process that led to a judgment you do not agree with as a criminal defendant in Arizona, your criminal defense attorney can help you file an appeal. An appeal has the power to reverse the trial court’s decision or grant you a new trial.

Possession of Marijuana Diversion Program

As a resident of Arizona, it can be difficult to keep up with the constantly changing laws and new bills regarding marijuana. Currently, the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act only legalizes the possession of 2.5 ounces or less of marijuana for medicinal purposes, and only if you have a physician’s written certification.

How Can a Crime Defense Lawyer Help You

If you find yourself in legal trouble in Arizona, one of the best ways to protect yourself is by using a criminal defense lawyer. Partnering with a criminal defense attorney can give you access to important people and resources that can help you through this difficult time.

What Happens If I Plead Guilty? No Contest? Not Guilty?

Posted On September 28, 2018 I Criminal Appeals,Criminal Defense

Prior to a criminal trial, during an arraignment hearing, a defendant has the chance to enter his or her plea. The defendant has three options to plead: guilty, not guilty, or no contest. Understanding the substantial differences between these pleas, and what will happen after, can help inform your criminal defense strategy.

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