
Arizona’s Hot Car Law

Posted On August 30, 2019 I Arizona Laws,Personal Injury,Wrongful Death

During an average summer, temperatures in Arizona can reach 105 degrees or higher. The temperatures inside vehicles can be significantly higher – posing a serious threat to the health and safety of trapped occupants. A child or pet stuck in a hot car could suffer fatal heat-related injuries.

What To Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident

Posted On August 26, 2019 I Arizona Laws,Car Accidents,Personal Injury

Hit-and-run is a serious crime in Arizona. It describes a driver causing a motor vehicle accident but failing to stay behind to fulfill his or her driver duties, as the law requires. Since Arizona is a fault insurance state, victims of hit-and-run accidents will not have anyone to hold legally responsible for their damages.

Possession of Marijuana Diversion Program

As a resident of Arizona, it can be difficult to keep up with the constantly changing laws and new bills regarding marijuana. Currently, the Arizona Medical Marijuana Act only legalizes the possession of 2.5 ounces or less of marijuana for medicinal purposes, and only if you have a physician’s written certification.

Driving Without Insurance in Arizona

Posted On August 12, 2019 I Arizona Laws,Car Accidents,Personal Injury

Arizona is a fault-based car insurance state. After a car accident, the party that caused the collision will be responsible for paying for the related damages, typically through his or her insurance plan. Every driver in Arizona must carry adequate automobile insurance to cover damages in case of at-fault accidents.