
Is My ATV/OHV Street Legal in Arizona?

Posted On March 29, 2023 I Arizona Laws

If you own an all-terrain vehicle (ATV) or off-highway vehicle (OHV) in Arizona, you may wonder if it is legal to take your vehicle on public roads and freeways. The answer depends on the modifications you have made to the vehicle, as well as if you have the correct equipment and insurance.

Who Has the Right-of-Way in Arizona?

Posted On March 20, 2023 I Arizona Laws

General Right-of-Way Questions

Who has the right-of-way at a four-way stop in Arizona?

In Arizona, the rules at a four-way stop dictate that the first car to arrive at the intersection gets to go first. But if two or more cars arrive at the same time, the car on the right has the right-of-way. 

How to Get the Most Out of a Car Accident Settlement

Posted On March 14, 2023 I Car Accidents,Personal Injury

If you get involved in a car accident, you may be facing a mountain of medical bills and property damage costs. The price of your car accident may be overwhelming, but it is critical not to accept a fast settlement from a car insurance company.

Can I Get My Ignition Interlock Device (IID) Off Early?

Posted On March 7, 2023 I Drunk Driving,Drunk Driving Charges

If you get convicted of driving under the influence (DUI) in Arizona, part of your sentence will most likely be the requirement to have an ignition interlock device (IID) installed in your vehicle. This device requires you to blow an alcohol-free breath before your vehicle’s engine will start.

Are Golf Carts Street Legal in Arizona?

Posted On March 1, 2023 I Arizona Laws

If you own a golf cart in Arizona, there are circumstances when you can operate it on public roads. However, you must follow state laws to make your golf cart street-legal. You must also abide by all road rules that apply to you, as well as be vigilant to prevent motor vehicle accidents.