
Car Accidents Caused by Teenagers

Posted On August 27, 2020 I Car Accidents,Motorcycle Accidents

It takes time to become confident and careful behind the wheel. With the legal driving age just 16 years old – 15 ½ with adult supervision – many drivers are too young and inexperienced to safely control a motor vehicle. If a teenage driver causes your car accident and injuries, his or her parents may be responsible for your damages in Arizona.

Safety Tips for Runners, Walkers and Joggers

Posted On August 14, 2020 I Pedestrian Safety,Personal Injury

Pedestrians are Arizona’s most vulnerable road users. They have the most to lose in traffic accidents. In 2019, the Arizona Department of Transportation reported 1,842 pedestrian collisions throughout the state. Pedestrian accidents in Arizona caused 1,697 injuries (including 356 serious injuries) and 220 deaths.

Dangerous Road Conditions for Motorcyclists

Posted On August 10, 2020 I Motorcycle Accidents,Personal Injury

The average motorcycle weighs about 400 pounds – significantly lighter than the typical 3,000- to 4,000-pound motor vehicle. The lighter weight and smaller size of a motorcycle make it more vulnerable to dangerous road conditions. While a standard passenger vehicle may be able to go over a pothole easily, for example, the same pothole could cause a catastrophic motorcycle accident.

Water Safety for Kids

Posted On August 7, 2020 I Arizona Laws,Personal Injury

Swimming, floating, boating and other water activities are fun for children in Arizona, especially during the state’s sweltering summers. It is imperative, however, for parents to supervise children during water activities and follow other safety rules. Accidental drowning is a highly prominent cause of child hospitalizations and deaths in Arizona.

Handling a Personal Injury Claim on Your Own vs. Hiring a Lawyer

Posted On August 3, 2020 I Personal Injury

A serious injury could change your life. You could face a long-term or permanent disability, along with hurdles such as expensive medical bills and the inability to go back to work. The accident may have also cost you in property damages and pain and suffering.