
Getting a DUI May Result In:

Posted On January 30, 2025 I Drunk Driving,Drunk Driving Charges,DUI

Getting a DUI may result in numerous legal, financial, and personal consequences that can affect almost every area of your life. These consequences range from the loss of driving privileges to possible fines and imprisonment. At The Law Offices of John Phebus in Glendale, AZ, we appreciate the complexity of DUI cases and provide skilled legal counsel to help protect your rights.

What Are My Chances of Getting a DUI Reduced to Reckless Driving?

Posted On January 25, 2025 I Arizona Laws,Drunk Driving,Drunk Driving Charges,DUI

One of the most common questions for many people facing a Glendale AZ DUI charge is, What are my chances of getting DUI reduced to reckless driving? It could be due to the evidence of a particular case, prior criminal history, or even legal representation.

How do I know if I was charged with a DUI?

Posted On January 20, 2025 I Arizona Laws,Drunk Driving,Drunk Driving Charges,DUI,DWI

How do I know if I was charged with a DUI? If you’ve recently been stopped by law enforcement in Glendale, AZ, and are unsure whether you’ve been officially charged with driving under the influence (DUI), understanding the process can help clarify your situation.

What is an aggravated DUI (Felony) – ARS 28-1383

Posted On January 15, 2025 I Arizona Laws,Drunk Driving,Drunk Driving Charges,DUI,DWI

Are you wondering: “what is an aggravated dui?” In Arizona Aggravated DUI charges under ARS 28-1383 represent one of the most severe DUI-related offenses. These felony charges occur when specific aggravating factors—such as driving with a suspended license or having a minor in the vehicle—are present during a DUI arrest.

Is a DUI a Misdemeanor?

Posted On December 13, 2024 I Drunk Driving,Drunk Driving Charges,DUI,DWI

Facing a DUI charge in Phoenix, AZ, often raises the question, is a DUI a misdemeanor? In Arizona, most DUI (Driving Under the Influence) offenses are classified as misdemeanors. However, specific factors—such as a high blood alcohol content or prior DUI convictions—can escalate a DUI to a felony.

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