
How Far Back Does a Background Check Go in Arizona in 2024?

Posted On October 22, 2018 I Arizona News,Criminal Defense

*For informational purposes only. We represent criminal defense cases in Scottsdale and personal injury cases in Surprise, NOT employment law cases*

Employers, weapons dealers, the Department of Motor Vehicles, financial lenders, landlords, and individuals may request and conduct background checks before making decisions in Arizona.

Know Your Criminal Rights in Arizona

Posted On October 19, 2018 I Criminal Defense

Arrested in Arizona, or simply curious about what you can and cannot do by law? It’s wise to learn your criminal rights before someone charges you with a crime in Arizona to protect yourself from jail time and hefty fines. Taking to a criminal defense lawyer can fill you in on any specific crimes you’re worried about.

How Can a Lawyer Help Domestic Violence Victims?

Posted On October 17, 2018 I Criminal Defense,Felonies

Domestic violence lawyers can be strong advocates for abuse victims. A lawyer can take immediate actions to protect you from an abuser or assailant, such as filing for an emergency protective order, as well as more long-term solutions for you and your family.

Laws Are Looking Green for Arizona Primary Winners

Posted On October 15, 2018 I Arizona News

The legalization of medical cannabis in the state of Arizona opened the doors to other marijuana laws, slowly but surely. Although Arizona remains a state with relatively strict views against cannabis (the law to legalize recreational marijuana failed to pass two years ago), the future is looking greener for the Grand Canyon State.

2018: Governor Doug Ducey Signs Arizona Hemp Bill

Posted On October 1, 2018 I Arizona News

On May 14th, 2018, Arizona Governor Doug Ducey signed Senate Bill 1098 into law, agreeing to fund a pilot program that allows certain organizations to cultivate industrial hemp. Hemp is the fibrous form of the cannabis plant. According to the bill, universities and others with licenses from the Arizona Department of Agriculture (AZDA) can grow, harvest, and process or transport industrial hemp as an agricultural product.