In Arizona, the person at fault for causing the car accident will be responsible for paying the damages. As an injured victim, it is up to you to prove the other driver’s fault. One type of evidence that may be available to you during your insurance claim is eyewitness statements.
Recovering financial compensation for a car accident in Arizona takes proper documentation of the crash. An insurance company will want to see facts and information about the car accident, such as police reports and photographs. In the confusing aftermath of a car accident, it is important to try to gather records that are relevant to your case.
Holding someone responsible for your car accident in Arizona is important. If you were not at fault for the accident, you should not have to pay for your medical bills and property repairs out of pocket. Arizona’s civil justice system allows you to hold a negligent party liable for your damages.
Wearing a seat belt is one of the most important things you can do for your personal safety as a vehicle driver or passenger in Arizona. While nothing can guarantee your protection in an auto accident, the seat belt is the main barrier between you and a catastrophic personal injury.
Arizona’s animal abuse and neglect laws are long, detailed and confusing. The average person or pet owner may not realize all the different actions or behaviors that could technically constitute animal abuse under a state or municipal law in Arizona. If you injured or killed an animal – even if you did not do so intentionally – you could face charges for animal cruelty in Arizona.