How Can a Lawyer Help Domestic Violence Victims?

Posted On October 17, 2018 Criminal Defense,Felonies by John Allen Phebus

Domestic violence lawyers can be strong advocates for abuse victims. A lawyer can take immediate actions to protect you from an abuser or assailant, such as filing for an emergency protective order, as well as more long-term solutions for you and your family. A lawyer can also help you file injury claims against an abuser in pursuit of compensation for your damages. Instead of feeling trapped in a bad situation, reach out to an attorney for reliable domestic violence assistance.

Restraining and Protective Orders for You and Loved Ones

The very same day you contact a lawyer, he or she can obtain an immediate protective order to separate you and your loved ones from an abusive person. An attorney can file the correct protective order forms for short- and long-term protection in Arizona. Using a lawyer to file these forms increases your odds of the courts granting your request.

An attorney can also direct you to resources and help centers in your area for prompt assistance, such as safe homes for women and children. You don’t have to find these resources or apply for them alone. Most lawyers offer payment plans and other affordable services, so you can get the help you need without worrying about cost.

Don’t wait to reach out to a lawyer and other sources of assistance as the victim of domestic violence in Arizona. There are resources available to help, and to get you and your loved ones out of your current situation. Talking to a lawyer can open your eyes to your options and rights, and start the ball rolling on a happier, safer life. All legal consultations are completely confidential and (usually) free of cost.

A Domestic Violence Lawsuit

It may be up to the city to press criminal charges against your abuser for domestic violence, but it’s up to you to file a civil lawsuit. Filing a civil domestic violence lawsuit could result in payment for your pain and suffering, any personal injuries and medical bills, lost income, financial losses, legal fees, punitive damages, and more. You may be eligible for thousands of dollars in damages from your domestic abuser.

Working with an experienced Peoria personal injury attorney to prove that you deserve financial compensation is the best way to obtain the recovery you need to move forward with your life. A lawyer can build a strong case against the defendant and help you prove your losses to a judge or jury. You have two years from the date of your injury to file a personal injury claim, but you may have until the conclusion of a criminal case against the defendant to file.

Filing for Divorce in Arizona

After the lawsuit is behind you, your attorney can help you file for divorce if the abuser was your spouse, and if divorce is the action you wish to take. Although you don’t have to prove that your spouse was responsible for the breakdown of your marriage to secure a divorce in Arizona, a successful domestic violence lawsuit and/or criminal charges can help facilitate the divorce process. If one spouse abuses the other spouse or children of the marriage, it will sway the judge’s opinion on things such as child custody and visitation. Your attorney can help you with all the necessary divorce processes.

Represent You During Trial Processes

It is understandably difficult for most domestic violence victims to face their abusers in court. If you hire an attorney, your lawyer can represent you during these processes and deal with the abusive party so you don’t have to. Your attorney will be your in-court and out-of-court advocate, obtaining the correct documents and handling communications with the other side on your behalf. Hiring a domestic violence lawyer in Arizona can make the entire process easier for you and your family.


This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by Founding Partner, John Allen Phebus who has more than 20 years of legal experience as a practicing personal injury attorney.