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Arizona Top State in Red-Light Fatal Crashes

Posted On September 16, 2019 Car Accidents,Personal Injury

Running a red light is an act of recklessness that can kill. When a driver fails to stop at a red light, he or she puts others’ lives in jeopardy. Many factors can make this traffic violation result in fatal accidents.

Road Safety During Monsoon Season

Posted On September 9, 2019 Arizona News,Car Accidents,Personal Injury

Arizona’s annual monsoon season comes with a risk of high winds, rain and flash floods. Monsoon season can have dangerous and abrupt weather changes, such as lightning, thunder, hail, dust storms, extreme heat, thunderstorms and flooding. The season runs from June through September.

Difference Between Medical Malpractice and Negligence

Posted On September 3, 2019 COVID-19 Resources,Medical Malpractice,Personal Injury

Medical malpractice is a serious problem that plagues many of the world’s hospitals and health care centers. When a health care practitioner fails to fulfill the standards of care within the medical industry, patients can suffer life-changing injuries. Making careless mistakes, practicing under the influence, failing to communicate with others and many other errors could prevent a patient from receiving the medical care he or she needs to survive.

Arizona’s Hot Car Law

Posted On August 30, 2019 Arizona Laws,Personal Injury,Wrongful Death

During an average summer, temperatures in Arizona can reach 105 degrees or higher. The temperatures inside vehicles can be significantly higher – posing a serious threat to the health and safety of trapped occupants. A child or pet stuck in a hot car could suffer fatal heat-related injuries.

What To Do After a Hit-and-Run Accident

Posted On August 26, 2019 Arizona Laws,Car Accidents,Personal Injury

Hit-and-run is a serious crime in Arizona. It describes a driver causing a motor vehicle accident but failing to stay behind to fulfill his or her driver duties, as the law requires. Since Arizona is a fault insurance state, victims of hit-and-run accidents will not have anyone to hold legally responsible for their damages.

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