The Legal Representation
You Need.


I Was Bitten By a Dog – What Should I Do?     

Posted On July 11, 2019 Blog,Dog Bites,Personal Injury

When dogs attack, they can cause significant injuries to their victims. Dog bite injuries are often physically and emotionally traumatic. Children and the elderly are especially at risk in dog attacks and can suffer fatal injuries. Victims of dog attacks in Arizona may be able to hold pet owners accountable.

How To Choose an Injury Attorney

Posted On June 19, 2019 Car Accidents,COVID-19 Resources,Personal Injury

If you recently suffered injuries in any kind of accident in Arizona, one of your first steps toward achieving compensation might be to hire an attorney. Retaining a personal injury lawyer can give you an edge during insurance settlement negotiations. It can also take the burden of legal action off your shoulders while you focus on recovering from your personal injuries.

Are Lawyers in Arizona Refundable?

Posted On June 16, 2019 Criminal Defense,Personal Injury

Hiring a personal injury lawyer could take a significant investment on your part. If you are paying a flat fee by the hour, you will likely have to at least offer a retainer to secure the attorney’s services. With the amount you might pay an attorney to handle your case, it could be a great disappointment and financial loss if you lose.

What Are the Different Types of Damage Claims?

In Arizona, civil law permits personal injury accident victims to file legal claims for their damages with a local Glendale personal injury attorney. A legal claim seeks financial restitution for the individual’s economic and noneconomic losses that stemmed from the accident in question.

What Are Arizona’s Negligence Laws?

Posted On June 12, 2019 Arizona Laws,Arizona News,Personal Injury

Most personal injury cases center on the legal theory of negligence. To obtain a settlement or verdict for your damages, you or your attorney will have to prove someone else’s negligence caused the injury. You will also have to navigate Arizona’s comparative negligence rule, which could place some of the blame for the accident on you.

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