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What Is a Broadside Collision?

Posted On May 15, 2024 Car Accidents

A broadside collision, also known as a side-impact or T-bone collision, occurs when the front of one vehicle crashes into the side of another vehicle. These types of accidents can be incredibly dangerous and often result in serious injuries or even fatalities. 

What Factors Influence a DUI Sentence in Arizona?


Driving under the influence, or DUI, is a crime that is taken very seriously in Arizona. The penalties for a DUI conviction can have a dramatic effect on an individual’s life. The courts will consider various factors when sentencing to ensure a fair and appropriate punishment, including the circumstances surrounding the case and the defendant’s criminal history. 

The Science Behind Breathalyzer Tests in Arizona: Accuracy and Controversies

The concept of a breathalyzer test – a test that can measure intoxication levels by analyzing blood alcohol content – has been around since the 1920s. The first iteration of a breathalyzer device, the “Drunkometer,” was introduced in 1954. Since then, breathalyzers have undergone significant changes due to advances in technology.

Signs You Are Too Drunk to Drive

Driving while intoxicated is against the law in all 50 states. While the legal blood alcohol content (BAC) level in Arizona is 0.08 percent, it is possible to get a DUI, or driving under the influence charge, with any level of impairment.

Can You Expunge a DUI Conviction in Arizona?

Having a criminal record with a DUI (driving under the influence) conviction can affect your career, your eligibility for housing and financial aid, and your reputation. Until recently, it was not possible to expunge a DUI conviction in Arizona. However, new laws now allow qualifying individuals to clear their records through expungement.

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