
In Arizona, a DUI Can Mean Jail Time for a First Offense

Posted On November 7, 2016 I Drunk Driving

In Arizona, there is no “slap on the wrist” punishment for a DUI. A DUI conviction can often include jail time. That is true even if you have never been arrested before or previously gotten into any trouble. Spending time in jail – even one night – is a scary experience.

Reducing the Associated DUI Emotional Conflict

Posted On October 5, 2016 I Drunk Driving

According to “Arizona Motor Vehicle Crash Facts 2015,” alcohol-related accidents stripped this state of 266 living souls (1). Seventy-two of these deaths involved a vehicle collision with a pedestrian. Eighty-eight more people died due to DUI-related collision with a motor vehicle in transport.

What to Do if Charged with a DUI in Arizona

Posted On October 4, 2016 I Drunk Driving

Arizona penalties for driving under the influence are among the toughest in the nation. Even for a first offense, expect to spend at least 24 hours in jail, and up to 10 days. It is imperative to not waste any time in hiring an experienced lawyer to represent you.

College Students And Felony DUI: What Are The Consequences?

Posted On August 24, 2016 I Drunk Driving

There is never a good time to get arrested for driving under the influence, but the long-term consequences are especially steep for college students. Students are now heading back to school, and it is possible the reunion with old friends and making the acquaintance of new ones involves drinking.

Felony DUI in Arizona: What it Means for College Students

Posted On May 20, 2016 I Drunk Driving

Arizona has four classifications of DUI, two of which are considered felonies: Extreme and Aggravated. These two both carry significant penalties if you are convicted.

For an extreme DUI, the blood alcohol content must be above .15. This can net you a minimum fine of $250 and 30 days in jail without probation.

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