
Who Is in Charge of a Person’s Assets While They Are in Prison?

Posted On January 23, 2023 I Criminal Defense

If you get sent to jail or prison in Arizona, you will no longer have the same access to your bank accounts or assets. If there are still bills to be paid while you are incarcerated, this needs to be arranged ahead of time.

Is False Reporting a Crime in Arizona?

Posted On January 2, 2023 I Criminal Defense

If you get taken in for questioning by a law enforcement officer in Arizona, the best thing you can do for yourself is to use your right to remain silent. If you lie to a police officer or make a false report during an interview or after an arrest, you could face criminal charges.

Self-Defense in Arizona

Posted On February 15, 2022 I Criminal Defense

Self-defense means that someone is justified in the use of force or threats against another person due to the reasonable belief that he or she is in imminent danger of bodily harm. If you had to use force against someone in Arizona – including the use of a firearm or another deadly weapon – in self-defense, you may find yourself in a difficult legal situation, even if you believe you were justified in using the force.

Should I Wait to Receive My Charges Before Hiring an Attorney?

Posted On January 7, 2022 I Criminal Defense

If you get arrested in Arizona, hiring a criminal defense lawyer is the best way to protect your legal rights. An experienced criminal defense attorney can work to minimize the effects of the arrest on your life and future. What many people don’t realize is that it is possible – and beneficial – to hire an attorney even before they receive any charges.

Prop 207: Expunging Marijuana Convictions in Arizona

Posted On October 13, 2021 I Criminal Defense

Recreational marijuana is now legal in the State of Arizona, after the passing of Proposition 207 in November 2020. This was a history-making law for Arizona that decriminalized the use of cannabis – with certain restrictions – for people 21 and over.

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