
Do I Have to Go to Court After a Car Accident in Arizona?

Posted On February 27, 2024 I Car Accidents

If you get involved in an automobile accident in Arizona, you most likely do not have to go to court to recover financial compensation through an insurance claim. However, there are situations where taking your case to trial might benefit you, such as if an insurance company does not offer a fair settlement or rejects your claim.

Arizona Car Accident Laws

Posted On February 2, 2024 I Arizona Laws,Car Accidents

Every year, thousands of drivers get involved in car accidents in the State of Arizona. If you find yourself in this situation, it is important to understand basic car accident laws and how to navigate them in a way that protects your legal rights.

Why You Shouldn’t Ignore a Headache After a Car Accident

Posted On January 24, 2024 I Car Accidents

A car accident can cause a sudden and violent jolt that injures the head, neck, back and other parts of the body. It is common for a crash victim not to initially notice the signs or symptoms of an injury, as adrenaline caused by the crash can work as a pain suppressant.

What to Do If Another Driver Has Road Rage

Posted On January 20, 2024 I Car Accidents,Safety Tips

Road rage is a dangerous episode of violent or uncontrolled anger by a driver in response to a driving situation. Road rage can play a role in catastrophic and deadly car accidents. A driver who is experiencing road rage is more likely to speed, race, tailgate, weave in and out of traffic, and take other aggressive actions that can result in a crash.

What Happens If You Total a Leased Car in Arizona?

Posted On January 13, 2024 I Car Accidents,Personal Injury

If you total a leased car in Arizona, the insurance process and financial outcome will depend on the terms of your lease agreement, your insurance coverage and the specific circumstances. You may or may not be responsible for paying for some or all of the repairs to the leased vehicle.

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