
Errors made by nurses

Posted On November 9, 2016 I Medical Malpractice

It may take time for new registered nurses in Arizona to become accustomed to the chaotic environment of a hospital. While they are adjusting, they are more likely to make a medical error. This can be attributed to not having enough experience, being unable to perform critical thinking sufficiently and being distracted.

Breast cancer advances offer promise

Posted On November 7, 2016 I Medical Malpractice

Many Arizona women suffer from breast cancer. Some of them are misdiagnosed by their doctors, resulting in delayed treatment and worse prognoses. Others suffer harms from the harsh treatments that they must undergo. So far in 2016, three advances in breast cancer research provide some hope for women who develop the disease.

In Arizona, a DUI Can Mean Jail Time for a First Offense

Posted On November 7, 2016 I Drunk Driving

In Arizona, there is no “slap on the wrist” punishment for a DUI. A DUI conviction can often include jail time. That is true even if you have never been arrested before or previously gotten into any trouble. Spending time in jail – even one night – is a scary experience.

The difficulty of obtaining a diagnose for a rare disease

Posted On November 3, 2016 I Medical Malpractice

In many cases, people in Arizona and throughout the United States suffering with a rare disease may face difficulty when seeking a correct diagnosis and treatment for the disease. This difficulty may be due to the fact that most doctors tend to concentrate on diseases that are commonly known.

Holiday Driving And DUIs

Posted On November 3, 2016 I Drunk Driving Charges

It is easy during the holidays when you gather with friends and family to consume more alcohol than you intended. Once you do, you must decide whether to drive you or someone else home. If you decide it is safe to get behind the wheel and you are stopped by law enforcement in Arizona, it is likely you will spend part of your holiday behind bars.

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