Doctors in Arizona and other parts of the country have been slowly moving into the world of computer-assisted diagnosis. As the technology matures and continues to prove itself, more and more medical professionals are willing to trust the interpretation of manifest symptoms to computerized databases and algorithms.
The technology to carry this difficult task out has been growing gradually more robust in recent years. Computerized diagnostics aids like Watson were developed to help supplement doctors’ knowledge of diseases. Although there is still no benchmark to measure performance, doctors who are more willing to input large amounts of patient data have reported satisfactory results.
Rare diseases are considered one of the most important prospective uses of computer-assisted diagnostic aids. It is difficult for doctors to maintain the detailed familiarity with complex symptoms that are necessary for accurate diagnoses of rare diseases. This task is ideal for computers, and as the systems improve, there is hope that the accuracy of these diagnoses will as well.
Misdiagnosis is one of the most common causes of medical malpractice and adverse medical outcomes. Doctors and associated personnel have a responsibility to do everything they reasonably can to properly interpret the physical symptoms they are presented with and follow through with appropriate intervention. Any failure on their part to proceed ethically and with all due diligence can leave them liable for the negative outcomes that may result. A lawyer may be able to help someone who has been injured by a doctor. They can assist them in formulating a civil suit and filing it with the court. They may also be able to represent their client in any negotiations or court appearances that may be needed.