Early detection may help breast cancer patients

Posted On October 14, 2015 Medical Malpractice by John Allen Phebus

According to a study recently published in a leading medical journal, early detection of breast cancer can play a role in an Arizona patient’s prognosis. This finding seemingly negates another study that credited better treatment as the reason why breast cancer patients were experiencing higher survival rates. However, it is still unclear whether mammograms are effective at detecting breast cancer during its earlier stages.

Overall, the study finds that those who do not have cancer in their lymph nodes are more likely to survive compared to those whose cancer has spread through the lymph nodes. Furthermore, those who have smaller invasive tumors tend to have a better chance at survival compared to those who have large invasive tumors. While the study’s findings are encouraging, there seems to be a lack of coverage regarding the results in the mainstream media.

For instance, there was no mention of the study’s findings in the New York Times or the Washington Post. It was also largely ignored by CNN and NPR, which may call into question whether the media is against any type of positive news regarding breast cancer screening. Additionally, it may be fair to ask whether or not it is time to find a new method of screening for breast cancer if traditional mammograms do not work like some outlets claim.

A failure to diagnose breast cancer when the disease is in its early stages can cause a significant amount of harm to a patient. An attorney who has experience in medical malpractice litigation could examine the affected patient’s medical records and, with the assistance of medical experts, make a determination as to whether such failure constituted negligence on the part of the practitioner. If so, it may be advisable to file a lawsuit seeking damages from the responsible party.


This page has been written, edited, and reviewed by a team of legal writers following our comprehensive editorial guidelines. This page was approved by Founding Partner, John Allen Phebus who has more than 20 years of legal experience as a practicing personal injury attorney.