A Phoenix TV station reports that a 65-year-old woman was recently mauled by three of her neighbor’s dogs. The critically injured dog-bite victim is in danger of losing an arm and an eye as a result of the attack.
The woman was outside of her own home when the attack by three mixed-breed pit bulls took place. Police said the dogs entered the woman’s property by squeezing through a neighbor’s fence.
The attack happened in Las Vegas, the Phoenix station reports. Law enforcement officers there were able to stop the mauling by fatally shooting one of the dogs.
The owner of the dogs was arrested and charged with having vicious or dangerous dogs, as well as willful disregard for the safety of others. Even if the owner is convicted on the charges, the most she faces is a slap on the wrist.
The only real punishment in these kinds of cases comes from the victim who is willing to take a stand and file a civil lawsuit against the dog owner. In those situations, the victim who has suffered can fight for justice that includes full and fair compensation for the pain they have suffered, surgeries they have endured, wages they have lost and exorbitant medical bills they have had to contend with since the attack.
An experienced attorney can help you through the process of negotiating with an insurer and pressing ahead with litigation, if needed. You didn’t deserve the attack, but you do deserve compensation for the damages done.