
Lab that combined Spice and Fentanyl discovered

Posted On June 29, 2016 I Drug Charges

On June 21, it was reported that Arizona authorities uncovered a drug lab that was mixing Spice with Fentanyl. While Spice is illegal and can be fatal, Fentanyl increases the risk as a very small amount of the drug can result in an overdose.

Understanding the dangers of an anesthesia error

Posted On June 23, 2016 I Medical Malpractice

Arizona residents who are going to have a procedure requiring anesthesia will undoubtedly have concerns about it. There is always a chance that an error could occur and cause a worsened medical condition, long-term damage and even death. Understanding how to avoid the dangers of anesthesia can be beneficial.

Standardizing IV medication practices for patient safety

Posted On June 21, 2016 I Medical Malpractice

There are various points in the Arizona health care system at which a patient might receive intravenous solutions and medications. An IV might be administered during emergency transport, in an emergency room, in the surgical environment, or in an intensive care unit.

Medical malpractice can have dire consequences.

Posted On June 15, 2016 I Medical Malpractice

Arizona residents might be surprised to learn that thousands of patients die each year around the country as a result of hospital negligence. Many times, hospital administrators even try to cover up these mistakes out of fear of litigation. Defective surgical instruments, hospital infections, and nursing errors can result in devastating consequences.

Urine testing can lead to misdiagnosis of dehydration

Posted On June 9, 2016 I Medical Malpractice

A new study suggests that many elderly individuals are being misdiagnosed of dehydration. Such a misdiagnosis is more serious for elderly individuals in Arizona than other residents due to impaired kidney function, medications, other medical conditions and unknown thirst sensations.

The study, which was done by East Anglia University in Britain, was conducted on 383 men and women who were older than 65 and living in a nursing home, residential care or in their own home.

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